Document to Base64 expose as web-api

Certified Lead Developer

I have requirement where the web-api needs to be exposed which convert the appian document into base64 based on local id of document received in the request.

Appian version :20.4(on premise)

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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    you mean like so?

      local!pathArray: fn!cast('type!{}Text?list', http!request.pathSegments),
      local!document: tointeger(index(local!pathArray, 1, null)),
      /* We don't want to serve arbitrary documents because it could be a security risk */
      local!extensionWhitelist: {"pdf", "txt", "png", "jpg", "jpeg"},
        * The path must be only 1 value, the document ID, and that ID must be a number.
        * Otherwise, we return a 404 Not Found
          length(local!pathArray) <> 1,
          not(contains(local!extensionWhitelist, document(local!document, "extension")))
          statusCode: 404,
          body: "404 Not Found",
          headers: {}
          * If the query parameter "attachment" is set to true,
          * set an HTTP header that tells the client that the body of the response
          * should be downloaded. This overrides the default content-disposition
          * of "inline; filename=<filename>.<extension>". We will automatically
          * set the content-type and length.
          headers: if(
              name: "Content-Disposition",
              value: concat(
                "attachment; filename=""",
                document(local!document, "name"),
                document(local!document, "extension"),
          body: todocument(local!document)

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Ahmad Al-Buthom


    I hope this retrieve the document in Binary format not in base 64...

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to aravinds0003
    document into base64

    you asked to retrieve a document in base64, that is how appian sends documents by default