Hi! I have an integration with the Scrum API where I bring project information, I bring the information in a Json and it appears complete (1060 items) but when I pass it from Json to an Appian value the information is lost and brings me 632 items. Is there any other way to avoid losing the information? Because I cannot make a filtering from the API only until I consult the information in Appian.
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items that are not in the application you're exporting or items that are dependent on items outside your application will most likely fail to export, I think you need t o fix the dependencies problems before exporting.
I don't think so, I am having the problem at the time of mapping the json to the CD
Do you have a chance to test this outside the integration? Like, create a test expression, copy the JSON returned from the API into a local variable and use fromJson() to convert it.
How did you configure Response Body Parsing?
Yes, I did it but it keeps getting me the same problem, when I try to pass it to an appian value (cdt), the more than 1000 items that it had in the json are cut to 632.
a!localVariables( local!oneItem: "{ ""name"":""John"", ""age"":30, ""car"":null }", local!json: concat( "[", joinarray( repeat(1500, local!oneItem), "," ), "]" ), count(a!fromJson(local!json)) )
Here I create an array as JSON string and convert it to an Appian value. Works as expected. How large is the JSON you receive from the API?