Privatelink Vs VPN Tunnel?

Hi all,

I'm trying to finalize the integration approach for Appian cloud with AWS RDS Sql server.

It seems there are two options available. 1. Private Link 2. Ip Sec Site to site VPN connection (VPN Tunnel).

(Also I understand Appian cloud does not support VPC peering, however I could not find the reason behind this. )

Private link cons: "RDS is not officially supported behind a Network Load Balancer; therefore, if you would like to connect to RDS environments over AWS PrivateLink, you will have to employ one of many workarounds to create a VPC endpoint service in their VPC."

It seems Ip Sec VPN not required to update the DNS of the RDS instance. Still bit confused if there any other advantages of using Privatelink than VPN tunnel? Could you please enlighten me on this? Thanks. 

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  • AWS PrivateLink and VPN tunnels both provide secure connectivity between a customer's network and an AWS VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)

    However, there can be some advantages of using PrivateLink over VPN tunnels

    Performance: As PrivateLink does not require data to traverse the public internet (traffic never leaves the AWS network), it can provide faster and more consistent performance compared to VPN tunnels.

    Simplified setup: Setting up a VPN connection can be complex, requiring the configuration of multiple components such as tunnels, gateways, and route tables. PrivateLink, on the other hand, provides a simpler setup as it only requires the creation of an interface endpoint in the VPC and an endpoint service in the customer's network.

    Cost-effective: PrivateLink pricing is based on the number of requests made to the endpoint service, whereas VPN tunnels are charged based on data transferred over the connection. For customers with large amounts of data transferred, PrivateLink can be a more cost-effective option.