I've made an API in Appian, but am having the hardest time understanding how exactly one connects to it externally.
According to the documentation: https://docs.appian.com/suite/help/21.4/Web_API_Authentication.html
I should be able to connect to it this way: example.appian.com/.../endpoint -H "Appian-API-Key: ${API_KEY}"
I put in my endpoint and API key, but every time I get an authentication error, so clearly I must be doing something wrong.
Could someone walk me through the exact steps to get this to work?
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If you created a service user, put it into the service user group and created the API key, you also need to make sure that this user is considered in the security settings of your API.
Presumably putting the service user group into the API's security settings takes care of that requirement, right? I don't need to do something like reference the user directly.
At any rate, I've done all of those things and it still doesn't seem to connect.