Hi All,
I'm trying to pass JSON object in the startprocess but some how I'm not able to send all the attributes at one go
Here is the sample JSON I'm passing
{"CompanyName": "Company","Category": "Information Technology","SubCategory": "COnsulting","Definition": "On Call","ShipToState": "AK","invoiceDetails": [{"InvoiceNumber": "3425638769","InvoiceDate": "1/28/2022","InvoiceValue": "400.00$","InvoiceDueDate": "2/22/2022","InvoiceBalance": "300.00$"
},"InvoiceNumber": "3425638769","InvoiceDate": "1/28/2022","InvoiceValue": "400.00$","InvoiceDueDate": "2/22/2022","InvoiceBalance": "300.00$"
In the above JSON I was able to get all the individual attributes into the process model except the Invoice details
Any help is much appreciated
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That doesn't look like valid JSON to me - I think you need additional brackets around your second list of invoice numbers like this:
{ "CompanyName": "Company", "Category": "Information Technology", "SubCategory": "COnsulting", "Definition": "On Call", "ShipToState": "AK", "invoiceDetails": [ { "InvoiceNumber": "3425638769", "InvoiceDate": "1/28/2022", "InvoiceValue": "400.00$", "InvoiceDueDate": "2/22/2022", "InvoiceBalance": "300.00$" }, { "InvoiceNumber": "3425638769", "InvoiceDate": "1/28/2022", "InvoiceValue": "400.00$", "InvoiceDueDate": "2/22/2022", "InvoiceBalance": "300.00$" } ] }
Can you update your request to include that valid JSON?
Hi Peter, Thank you for the Response ,but still I have no luck
Thank you
I think you'll have to provide more context for us to help you. Did you update your request to send valid JSON? What does your Web API look like? How is the process model set up? What troubleshooting steps have you tried? The more information you provide the faster we'll be able to suggest a solution.
Yea I have updated with the Valid JSON,and the web api looks like below
a!localVariables( a!startProcess( processModel: cons!LN_FDM_PM, processParameters: rule!LN_FDM_RULE_WEBAPI( httpRequest: a!fromJson(http!request.body) ), onSuccess: a!httpResponse( statusCode: 200, headers: { a!httpHeader( name: "Content-Type", value: "application/json" ) }, body: index(fv!processInfo.pv, "requestId", null)
), onError: a!httpResponse( statusCode: 500, headers: { a!httpHeader( name: "Content-Type", value: "application/json" ) }, body: a!toJson( { error: "There was an error starting the process" } ) ) ))
Hi ,Are you using another Web API to pass values in process parameters?
Ok what is the "rule!LN_FDM_RULE_WEBAPI() doing? Also what process parameters are you expecting for this input?
Hi Peter,
In the rule rule!LN_FDM_RULE_WEBAPI() where I have passed all the variables, But i figured out the solution and its working for me now
Can you share your solution? Someone in the future might come across a similar issue and it would be helpful for them to see what happened and how you resolved it.
Sure will do