Invoking Appian Rest API

Certified Senior Developer

Hi All,

While trying to invoke appian inspection API'S using curl command we are not getting the expected output instead we are getting error response
Tried same below api with postman and getting expected response but not with curl command. Can anyone help on this!


curl -x 'http://XXXXXXXXXXXXXX:8080' --location --request \

POST 'ourappiansite/.../inspections' \

--header 'Appian-API-Key: ************************************’ \

--form 'json="{

\"packageFileName\": \"\",

\"customizationFileName\": \"\"

}"' \

--form 'zipFile=@""' \

--form 'ICF=@""'

Error Response:

{"resource":"\/suite\/deployment-management\/v1\/inspections","title":"An Error Has Occurred","error":"APNX-1-4552-004","message":"The request cannot be processed."}

Expected Response of Inspect API:


"uuid": "****************",

"url": "">oursite/.../****************************"


Thanks in advance



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Parents Reply
  • Hi, thank you for quick response. I don't see anything in the logs (I don't know where the logs are :)). However, when I try to inspect the package from the UI, I get a different error: APNX-1-4154-001 (The selected package was exported on version and it cannot be imported or inspected on the older version It's strange that the inspection using the API and the UI gives different results.
