Created one web api where we are starting a process with one CDT as an input . When sending data like {["employeeName":"test",}]in the appian body and test request its working fine.
But triggering the same from post man we are getting a 500 error. Web api authentication is happened properly .
a!startProcess( processModel: cons!employee_processweb, processParameters: {employeedetails:a!fromJson( http!request.body )}, onSuccess: a!httpResponse( statusCode: 200, headers: { a!httpHeader(name: "Content-Type", value: "application/json") }, body: a!toJson( fv!processInfo ) ), onError: a!httpResponse( statusCode: 500, headers: { a!httpHeader(name: "Content-Type", value: "application/json") }, body: a!toJson( { error: "There was an error starting the process" } ) ))
Configured header with Content-Type:application/json
sending API Key bearer token.
Body format as JSON.
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For the 'onErrror' change your status code to something else since Appian sends a 500 when the expression itself has an issue.
Does the account used in Postman have access to the Web and API and the process model?