How to use a!scsField() in Integration expression rule to manage authentication

Certified Senior Developer


We have a requirement to switch the API end points(i.e the integration calls(among different environments) based on user selection from UI)

We can dynamically generate the URLS and authenticate via Basic Auth and store the Username and passwords on a constant  but the problem is that people with designer access can view the constant values 

If we provide credentials for a single environment, by default they are encrypted and environment specific but if we configure them using expression the credentials are visible to designers which is a security concern.

I am looking for the way to secure them and retrieve them back in Appian using a!scsField() -(There used to be a plug-in called HTTP Request with Secure Credentials Store  but that is archived unfortunately)

We are using Azure cloud services so I am not sure if there is any connected system to integrate directly with Azure key vault to store and retrieve credentials or any plug-in to integrate with SCS from Appian Integrations?

Any thoughts or help is greatly appreciated!

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