Update Web Service Calls Failing Due to random 3 milli seconds difference

Certified Lead Developer


I am using a WebService query smart service to do Get and Update Merchant. We do a Get call to get the latest data,  modify the returned object, and update using the UpdateMerchant call. Thers is an attribute "LastModifiedDate" which holds Date Time, not supposed be modified. I am just passing without any change. But there is a random 3 milliseconds difference during the Get and Update. I am seeing random success response but its intermittent.

Becasue of this difference, the Update call is throwing an error with "Unable to add due to typical Microsoft CRUD design - Status - OutOfDate..

I am not sure how Appian gets the raw data. I could only see data once it is converted into an Object. Did anyone face this issue or what could explain the error?


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