Issue in passing URI to Web Content Field

Certified Lead Developer

Hi All,

I need to pass a  Safe URI to source parameter of webContentField component and that URI is generated using web API.

Problem here is when I am using the URI generated from web API it throws below error:

"Interface Definition: Expression evaluation error at function a!webContentField: A web content field [label=""] has an invalid value for "source". Source may not be an internal Appian source. Received:"

How can we pass the URI that is Internal to webContentField?


Thanks in advance


Trunal Jain

  Discussion posts and replies are publicly visible

  • URL parameters (known also as “query strings” or “URL query parameters”) are elements inserted in your URLs to help you filter and organize content or track information on your website.

    To identify a URL parameter, refer to the portion of the URL that comes after a question mark (?). URL parameters are made of a key and a value, separated by an equal sign (=). Multiple parameters are each then separated by an ampersand (&).


    Rachel Gomez

  • URL parameters (known also as “query strings” or “URL query parameters”) are elements inserted in your URLs to help you filter and organize content or track information on your website.

    To identify a URL parameter, refer to the portion of the URL that comes after a question mark (?). URL parameters are made of a key and a value, separated by an equal sign (=). Multiple parameters are each then separated by an ampersand (&).


    Rachel Gomez

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