Hi All,
I am creating an integration and connected system and Integration setup has been established successfully. OAuth2.0 authentication method using for this integration. while testing of Connected system we can do authorization successfully and when test the integration manually, I get success response with correct output.
But when I use this integration in process model, i get error "[title=Missing Credentials, message=No OAuth Access Token found for current user]".
Your suggestion would be appreciated.
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Seems like you use the "Authorization Code Grant" method. Do you need to authenticate the logged in user to this other system? If you use a technical user, switch to "Client Credentials Grant"
Yes, I am using "Authorization Code Grant" for DocUsign integration. DocU/sign doesnot support client crredential grant.After providing all the parameters( Account Id, base URL, Integration Key, Secret Key), when i click authorize again. i get response successfully.
OK. Is your issue solved? If not, did you follow the documentation: docs.appian.com/.../Oauth_connected_system.html
Thank you . I will definitely try out this.
Hi Vikram I followed the steps suggested by Stefan to Authenticate docusign user but integration returning the same result:
Shahid Are you using Authorization Code Grant?
1) Make sure your process model has a valid user assigned, the same one who authorized the connection.2) Check the Connected System configuration in Appian for DocuSign's authorization URL, redirect URI, and matching scopes.3) Ensure the DocuSign user has the required permissions.
Hi , as per point #1 you mentioned "process model has a valid user assigned", what if i need to run the process model as background job (as scheduler) then how can we authorize it.