Hi we are using call web service smart service, but output of web service is not

Certified Lead Developer
Hi we are using call web service smart service, but output of web service is not getting store in pv(pv always shows blank value).
In application server log i have observed web service returning correct Response object.
PFB log

[default-short-running-threads-threads - 12] DEBUG com.appiancorp.ws.AbstractWSInvoker - Operation Invocation (OK). Endpoint Name: HisWebServiceHttpSoap11Endpoint; Endpoint URL:; Access Credentials: null; Operation: {name:'{}getEncounterDetail',content:'<n8:getEncounterDetail xmlns:n8=">'}],inputFaults:[],



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  • Looking at the issue you've described here's what I suggest:

    1. Delete the CDTs related to the Web Service. Make sure you delete all of them, sort by namespace to be completely sure you are deleting all of them
    2. Open up the process model, right click on the Call Web Service Smart Service - Properties - Setup
    3. Temporarily check Authentication Required and typed something in username and password and click Refresh
    4. Uncheck the authentication required option.
    5. Finish configuring the smart service.
    6. Save and publish the model
    7. Try again.

    If the issue persists:

    8. Stop the app server
    9. Delete the server.log
    10. Start the app server
    11. Add the following loggers and wait a few minutes


    12. Reproduce the issue
    13. Analyze the log and compare the response you are getting from the web service with the CDT registered in Appian it could be your web service is returning a completely different structure making Appian not able to map the fields to the CDT.
  • Looking at the issue you've described here's what I suggest:

    1. Delete the CDTs related to the Web Service. Make sure you delete all of them, sort by namespace to be completely sure you are deleting all of them
    2. Open up the process model, right click on the Call Web Service Smart Service - Properties - Setup
    3. Temporarily check Authentication Required and typed something in username and password and click Refresh
    4. Uncheck the authentication required option.
    5. Finish configuring the smart service.
    6. Save and publish the model
    7. Try again.

    If the issue persists:

    8. Stop the app server
    9. Delete the server.log
    10. Start the app server
    11. Add the following loggers and wait a few minutes


    12. Reproduce the issue
    13. Analyze the log and compare the response you are getting from the web service with the CDT registered in Appian it could be your web service is returning a completely different structure making Appian not able to map the fields to the CDT.
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