Hi we are using call web service smart service, but output of web service is not

Certified Lead Developer
Hi we are using call web service smart service, but output of web service is not getting store in pv(pv always shows blank value).
In application server log i have observed web service returning correct Response object.
PFB log

[default-short-running-threads-threads - 12] DEBUG com.appiancorp.ws.AbstractWSInvoker - Operation Invocation (OK). Endpoint Name: HisWebServiceHttpSoap11Endpoint; Endpoint URL:; Access Credentials: null; Operation: {name:'{}getEncounterDetail',content:'<n8:getEncounterDetail xmlns:n8=">'}],inputFaults:[],



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  • we have seen log with debug mode and its getting the response back from web service in log and and log shows that it is converting XML into cdt. But its returing null value. see these statements

    2010-10-06 08:00:23,014 [default-threads - 17] DEBUG com.appiancorp.type.xmlconversion.DatatypeValueXmlConverter - Converting XML value to the internal data representation... Target datatype: InvestigationInfoResponse (id=1812)
    2010-10-06 08:00:23,015 [default-threads - 17] DEBUG com.appiancorp.type.xmlconversion.DatatypeValueXmlConverter - Conversion done; returning value: TypedValue[it=1812,v={<null>}]
  • we have seen log with debug mode and its getting the response back from web service in log and and log shows that it is converting XML into cdt. But its returing null value. see these statements

    2010-10-06 08:00:23,014 [default-threads - 17] DEBUG com.appiancorp.type.xmlconversion.DatatypeValueXmlConverter - Converting XML value to the internal data representation... Target datatype: InvestigationInfoResponse (id=1812)
    2010-10-06 08:00:23,015 [default-threads - 17] DEBUG com.appiancorp.type.xmlconversion.DatatypeValueXmlConverter - Conversion done; returning value: TypedValue[it=1812,v={<null>}]
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