Hi we are using call web service smart service, but output of web service is not

Certified Lead Developer
Hi we are using call web service smart service, but output of web service is not getting store in pv(pv always shows blank value).
In application server log i have observed web service returning correct Response object.
PFB log

[default-short-running-threads-threads - 12] DEBUG com.appiancorp.ws.AbstractWSInvoker - Operation Invocation (OK). Endpoint Name: HisWebServiceHttpSoap11Endpoint; Endpoint URL:; Access Credentials: null; Operation: {name:'{}getEncounterDetail',content:'<n8:getEncounterDetail xmlns:n8=">'}],inputFaults:[],



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  • Hi rayudua,
    According to your suggestion,
    we used send http request node and configured Input parameters as
              pass the request as xml code in body parameter,
              give our wsdl url in endpoint,
              select GET method
    we got output as
    it gives Response xml code with no values in the xml element tags.
    errorOccured is false
    response code 200
    return set is "null"
    we did any wrong configurations in input parameters?, why it return again null values?
  • Hi rayudua,
    According to your suggestion,
    we used send http request node and configured Input parameters as
              pass the request as xml code in body parameter,
              give our wsdl url in endpoint,
              select GET method
    we got output as
    it gives Response xml code with no values in the xml element tags.
    errorOccured is false
    response code 200
    return set is "null"
    we did any wrong configurations in input parameters?, why it return again null values?
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