Appian connectivity to Hive via Rest API

We are trying to connect to a hive DB via a Rest API hosted in Openshift cluster, the .pem for the hosted environment have been imported to Appian environment via Client certificate and trusted certificate

Still we are unable to establish the connectivity to the Hive DB due to SSL connectivity error.

We have created certs for the Rest API hosted environment and imported the same to Appian , but still Appian is unable to establish the connectivity via Rest API call.

Appian version used : 21.4

When trying to connect to the given host ip via openssl s_client -showcerts -connect <ipaddress> following was observed

no peer certificate available
No client certificate CA names sent
SSL handshake has read 0 bytes and written 0 bytes

Can we know why Appian is unable to connect to Rest api and what certs are needed for Appian to trust the cluster in which this Rest API is hosted?

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