I have a query rule that is hitting a very slow view and is timing out. Ultimate

I have a query rule that is hitting a very slow view and is timing out. Ultimately we are working on increasing the peformance of the view, but in the short term I need to fix the error. I've increased the conf.data.query.timeout property from 10 to 20 seconds, but that didn't seem to solve the issue. Is there another timeout setting that can be increased somewhere else? We are using Appian 7.2 and JBoss 7.1.1.

Specific error message: org.hibernate.JDBCException: This query did not finish within the timeout period: could not execute query...



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  • To get some more information about the query rule, add these lines to your appian_log4j.properties, located under <APPIAN_HOME>/ear/suite.ear/resources:


    This will give more verbose information about what exactly is happening with the query rule, which you can check in the server.log