I have a handler for document upload WEB API that has validation if the binary body is empty. The problem is in Appian, the validation is working but in Postman, it returns success even when the body is empty.
a!localVariables( local!params: property(ri!request, "queryParameters", null), local!body: property(ri!request, "body", null), local!fileName: property(local!params, "filename", null), local!transactionId: property(local!params, "transactionid", null), local!docCategoryId: property(local!params, "doccategoryid", null), local!docTypeId: property(local!params, "documenttypeid", null), local!validation: reject( fn!isnull, { if( or( a!isNullOrEmpty(local!transactionId), a!isNullOrEmpty(local!docCategoryId), ), "Missing Parameters. Please Try Again", if( or( a!isNotNullOrEmpty(local!docTypeId), a!isNotNullOrEmpty(local!fileName) ), if( a!isNullOrEmpty(local!body), "Missing Body. Please try again.", null ), null ) ) } ), if( length(local!validation) > 0, rule!REST_JsonResponse( statusCode: 400, body: { title: "Missing Parameters Error", message: local!validation[1], code: cons!CSB_COMMONS_ERROR_CODE_MISSING_PARAMETERS } ), a!startProcess( processModel: cons!RMS_UploadDocument_PM, processParameters: { fileName: tostring(local!fileName), document: local!body, transactionId: tointeger(local!transactionId), documentType: tointeger(local!docTypeId), docCategory: tointeger(local!docCategoryId), }, onSuccess: if( or( a!isNullOrEmpty(local!docTypeId), a!isNullOrEmpty(local!body) ), rule!REST_JsonResponse( statusCode: 200, body: { transactionId: local!transactionId, documentCategory: fv!processInfo.pv.documentCategoryStatus_CDT.category, documentTypes: a!forEach( items: fv!processInfo.pv.documentTypeUnderCategoryTransaction_CDT, expression: fv!item.documentTypeId ) } ), rule!REST_JsonResponse( statusCode: 200, body: { transactionId: local!transactionId, documentId: fv!processInfo.pv.document_CDT.id, fileName: fv!processInfo.pv.document_CDT.fileName, fileExtension: fv!processInfo.pv.document_CDT.fileExtension, createdDate: fv!processInfo.pv.document_CDT.createdDate, approvalDate: fv!processInfo.pv.document_CDT.approvalDate, expirationDate: fv!processInfo.pv.document_CDT.expirationDate, documentType: fv!processInfo.pv.document_CDT.documentType.documentTypeId.documentType, documentCategory: fv!processInfo.pv.document_CDT.documentType.categoryId.category.category, filePath: fv!processInfo.pv.document_CDT.filePath, } ) ), onError: rule!REST_JsonResponse( statusCode: 500, body: { title: "Internal Server Error", message: "Unknown error occured. Please contact the Administrator", code: cons!CSB_COMMONS_ERROR_CODE_UNKNOWN_ERROR } ) ) ) )
As you can see, it still returns status 200
But in Appian, the validation is working
This also happens even in the default expression of the Document Upload web API.
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Hi Anwille,What do you have in query Params?. Please check console and check what are you really sending in body and params. I've checked your logic and is working ok:PostmanAppian
As you can see here I have params but I didn't have a body but it still returns a success response