How to pass multiple Query Parameter values to a GET web api?

Certified Associate Developer

Tried passing multiple values to a query param to filter a column values that are in the list of values in query param.

In Query Filter tried the "in" operator. Its not working. Below is sample query param with multiple filters to filter by that I am trying.


Please advise how to filter based on multiple values.

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    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to nitin07

    I feel like a 120 years old caveman !?!?!?

    I try to translate this into something usable.

    - I want to create a GET API in Appian that accepts multiple comma-separated IDs in a single query parameter

    - I need to query a list of records for which the primary key matches the passed IDs

    - I then want to return the fetched record data in JSON format

    Is that correct? If no, please elaborate.

    And I need to see your implementation!
