I have problems when configuring the process model component called Invoke SAP BAPI.The result is the following error....
The scsExternalSystemKey is configured like this...
Finally, what would be the SAP data corresponding to Client Number and System Number? I understand these are ClientNumber = Mandante and SystemNumber = ID de Sistema (in Spanish)
PD: The credentials are the same as those used to enter SAP through its interface
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try with "username" and "password" lowercase only, perhaps? that's the first difference I notice in my third-party credential store for my SAP call.
Thanks for the response. I have tried changing what you tell me, but it still gives the same error.
the best I can suggest for now is to contact your SAP administrator and see whether there's some sort of firewall preventing incoming connections from Appian, since the error message in your screenshot suggests a basic connection failure occurred.