Failure to upload file > 100MB using Microsoft Graph SharePoint Connected System

Hi, we have a functionality to upload a file and save it in a folder in SharePoint. The connected system we are using is through the HTTP integrated Microsoft Graph Connected System. It works fine for a file size up to 100MB but post that we are facing Integration Error as [title=There was a problem with the request, message=Failed to connect to!m6Ln0pXy60eQAb14pUvBiE4NVb13D6JDnJVPxlNZJEQw55MIsIdnQa8ktIM9MLWk/items/01HO3UJFSOHDXPAJQEDRA2S5JCHFKWTKGT:/MS_dummy_file_250MB20242245_024518.bin:/content, detail=HTTP/1.1 499 ]. Please can one suggest how to resolve this issue so that files with larger size can be uploaded using same connected system.

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