my json response is as follows :
message={role=user, function_call={name=fn_test ,arguments={ "annotations": [ { "originalText": “text1”, "annotation": { "classification": "Rule", "rule": true } },
{ "originalText": “text2”, "annotation": { "classification": "Rule", "rule": true } }
json to Appian shows like this.
I was able to traverse until arguments using httpresponse but cannot pull anything inside annotations ,wanted to extract every ( original text, classification and rule) and store it as records in database.Any ideas appreciated.
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local!requestBody: a!fromJson(http!request.body), local!nextLevel: a!forEach( items: local!requestBody, expression: fv!item.message.name.arguments )
After converting JSON to Appian value using a!fromJson(), you can traverse by using dot notation.