I want to connect to Azure Blob Storage

Certified Associate Developer

Hi ,

I am trying to connect to connect to Azure Blob Storage. I am canonicalizing the auth header but facing an issue somewhere that i cant identify. Can anyone please help on this? Here is the error message : 

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    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Stefan Helzle

    Hi Stefan, 

    I have a storage account for eg myaccount , a container mycontainer . 

    I am using the URL https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/ where Note.png is a blob i am trying to get.

    In the Headers I have 3 headers

    • Authorization with Value "Shared Key myaccount:<hmacSignature>" where hmac signature is canonicalized signature created by following steps in azure documentation. in this hmac signature i am paaing the blob name , processing date and httpVerb.
    • x-ms-date with Value hard coded date time every time i test or the now() function
    • x-ms-version with Value 2015-04-05

    and when i test this i come up with this error.

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