I created a Web api and tried to use it in Appian Integration of same environment but I am getting time out error, how can I resolve the issue.
The web api is of POST method with startprocess. The process model is triggering but I am getting below error in Integration
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Hi Devarneni Shiva Prasad Rao may i know more context on what process model is doing
{ "mobileNumbers": ["1234567890","0987654321"], "operator": "Joi", "planName":"Data", "planDays":"60"}
this is the body of web API.
In the processmodel the requested data is wrting to data base using write to data store entity and returining the ID
hi Devarneni Shiva Prasad Rao You need to check the connectivity between the calling system and the called system.
What is the timeout seconds you configured in Integration? And the Process model you trying to execute how much time it's taking to complete. It seems like to complete the Process model it's taking more time. Try placing activity chaining in process model and increase timeout in Integration Object
It is taking 641ms
In intrigaton I also tried with 100 seconds as timeout, but still the same issue, But it is working fine when I tried using Postman
hi Devarneni Shiva Prasad Rao I think the null data is in the process model? could check it once please
Still taking more than 100 sec so increase it for now. And one more thing try to run the webapi standalone to see how much time it's taking
I think it's related to timeout either it's taking more time to execute webapi or process model so it's suggesting to increase the timeout seconds.
no null data, the process model is executing scuuessfully, but not getting data back to integration
if its time out issue it is working fine in POSTMAN
Even thinking the same idea increasing time out lets see