I am trying to save the signed documents post DocuSign by creating a web API to start a process model to save the documents but I couldn't get the response from APi.
What are configurations need to be done in DocuSign admin application for making it success. If anyone had experience in realtime implementation of DocuSign please help me in resolving.
Thank you
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NewBegineer Have you tried using this Download Document from an Envelope?You have to store envelope Id in appian against each document to retrieve back those signed document using download document from envelope operation.
Hello shubham,
I have tried this but we can use this after the douments are signed. My question is I want to start a process model oncel the documents are signed and use this save document shape to save documents. How should I configure to initiate the process model once the documents are signed.
To automatically import signed documents upon completion, enable the "Envelope Signed/Completed" event in DocuSign's admin settings and configure a Callback URL pointing to your custom Appian web API. This API will receive notification upon signing and trigger the desired process model.https://support.docusign.com/s/document-item?language=en_US&bundleId=pik1583277475390&topicId=lry1608071169447.html&_LANG=enusAlternatively,You can schedule a process in Appian to periodically check the status of envelopes. This process would use the "Download Document from Envelope" operation to retrieve signed documents and initiate the desired workflow only if the documents are available. However, this approach may introduce a delay compared to the real-time notification method but I would recommend in case of docusign plan subscription issue with client.
I was implementing the first suggestion but after the event the web API is not starting the process model that is the issue I need to resolve
Can you please validate this at docusign side first : Audit Log" for "Envelope Signed/Completed" events. Look for "Delivery Status" or "Notification History" to see if it reached your Appian web API URL.
HI Shubham,
iam facing 500 error from Appian web API only.
the envelope is Sucess and iam unable to find the issue
NewBegineer said:the envelope is Sucess and iam unable to find the issue
You resolved 500 error message?Still you are not able to proceed?Share WEB API code snippet.
a!localVariables( local!body: a!fromJson(http!request.body), a!match( value: local!body.event, equals: "envelope-completed", then: a!startProcess( processModel: cons!TD_PM_HANDLE_DOCUSIGN_EVENT_ENVELOPE_COMPLETED, processParameters: { body: local!body }, onSuccess: a!httpResponse(statusCode: 200), onError: a!httpResponse(statusCode: 500) ), default: a!httpResponse(statusCode: 200) ) )
Can you also share what value local!body is getting?
no value in local!body because the process model is not even initiated once