Hi We have Appian installed and configured it with SSO for authentication.

We have Appian installed and configured it with SSO for authentication. I need to capture the authentication success indication and then trigger a web service call / invoke a business process , if the authentication is success.

Please suggest how to get the handle to the method / flag indicating authentication success.
Is there a way to trigger a business process automatically when the user logs in?

I have gone through the forum and feel that creating a custom Authentication filter may help. but i am not sure of how to do .
Please provide me if there are any samples available,

Thanks in advance




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  • Hi
    As Discussed I created a class called com.example.MyFilter that extends AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter. Here is my bean configuration:
    <bean id="myFilter" class="com.example.MyFilter">
    <property name="sessionAuthenticationStrategy" ref="webApiSessionAuthenticationStrategy" />
    <property name="authenticationDetailsSource" ref="webApiAuthenticationDetailsSource"/>
    <property name="authenticationManager" ref="authenticationManager" />
    <property name="successHandler" ref="MyAuthenticationSuccessHandler" />

    I created MyAuthenticationSuccessHandler class and overrriden the onAuthenticationSuccess method which will notify me successful authentication and here i can write code for triggering a business process automatically on login.

    Also I created com.example.MyFilter that extends AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter and overridden the requiresAuthentication method as specified in the link:

    But this AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter has one more unimplemented method called "attemptAuthentication". When i read the spring documentation, I understood that "attemptAuthentication" method does the actual authentication.

    In my implementation I need the authentication from SSO and i dont want to override how user gets authenticated. All I need is to get a handle to AuthenticationSuccess.
    Since attemptAuthentication is unimplemented method, I am not sure how to proceed now?

    Please help.
    Also please suggest me whether this approach works for my requirement - triggering a business process automatically after SSO login.

    Thanks in advance
  • Hi
    As Discussed I created a class called com.example.MyFilter that extends AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter. Here is my bean configuration:
    <bean id="myFilter" class="com.example.MyFilter">
    <property name="sessionAuthenticationStrategy" ref="webApiSessionAuthenticationStrategy" />
    <property name="authenticationDetailsSource" ref="webApiAuthenticationDetailsSource"/>
    <property name="authenticationManager" ref="authenticationManager" />
    <property name="successHandler" ref="MyAuthenticationSuccessHandler" />

    I created MyAuthenticationSuccessHandler class and overrriden the onAuthenticationSuccess method which will notify me successful authentication and here i can write code for triggering a business process automatically on login.

    Also I created com.example.MyFilter that extends AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter and overridden the requiresAuthentication method as specified in the link:

    But this AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter has one more unimplemented method called "attemptAuthentication". When i read the spring documentation, I understood that "attemptAuthentication" method does the actual authentication.

    In my implementation I need the authentication from SSO and i dont want to override how user gets authenticated. All I need is to get a handle to AuthenticationSuccess.
    Since attemptAuthentication is unimplemented method, I am not sure how to proceed now?

    Please help.
    Also please suggest me whether this approach works for my requirement - triggering a business process automatically after SSO login.

    Thanks in advance
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