Send link from Appian to Docusign document as a link in email template

Certified Associate Developer

In a template i need to give a link for Docusign to display as a link what should that be configured as in Appian side?
We're getting radio button from radioGroupTabs, but we need to send link as text tab, say as tooltip parameter. But I'm not sure which parameter to use for the link


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  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Mike Schmitt

    but we need to send that link from appian side to docusign document. And need to display it as a link which should be clickable in docusign.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to shriyas1571

    I haven't done this in DocuSign, but in Adobe Sign (which i assume has some similarities), there's an API call that can be done to get "signing URL" for a particular document instance - this is passed back to Appian as plaintext in standard URL format and it can be shown to users on-form to either click, or even show in a web component field.

    need to display it as a link which should be clickable in docusign

    I'm not sure what you mean by "clickable in docusign" - we would have no control over what is done "in docusign" either way - that would be configured on the docusign side.  Unless you mean it should be "clickable to take the user TO docusign", in which case, my above answer still applies.