Hi All I have one scenario to be handled that -> If the user provides the amount as 0, load – (Minus) value in the payload.
I have written this logic but its not working that means values are not loading.
a!localVariables( local!crfxRateActivation_cdt: if( rule!APN_isBlank(ri!crfxRateActivation_cdt), rule!CR_APP_QE_getFxRateActivationData( requestId_int: ri!requestId_int, cif_int: ri!cif_int ), ri!crfxRateActivation_cdt ), rule!CR_APP_INT_setFxRatesRequestBody( preferredRate_txt: index( local!crfxRateActivation_cdt, 1, "preferredRate_txt", {} ), fxCodes_txt: index( local!crfxRateActivation_cdt, "tariffCode_txt", {} ), fxRates_int: a!forEach( items: index( local!crfxRateActivation_cdt, "tariffAmountProposed_dec", {} ), expression: if(fv!item = 0, "-", fv!item) ) ) )
The value which I am trying to send is at last logic,Please correct me If I am going wrong anywhere.
Thanks In advance,
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In the rule "CR_APP_INT_setFxRatesRequestBody" it seems "fxRates_int" expects a integer value, but you are passing a text "-"
No i have defined it as text but naming convention kept as int, But the thing this i could see the result in response body .But while calling integration not working
I do not really understand what is going on here. Can you elaborate?
No worries ,I got the answer,Thanks
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