Integration Timeout

A Score Level 2

Hi Experts,

I'm facing issue while calling the integration object from UI which seems to be getting timeout where as when I test the actual Integration Design object I'm not seeing any such issue.

The timeout is configured as 300 secs in the integration object.

Will enabling the "HTTP Request/Response Logging" can help in this case to identify the root cause? If yes, then who can access this log and from where and what information can they get from this Log?

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    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to GauravSingh

    You should be able to see Integration request Response related activity and the WebApi request response activity under the http-request-response-logs. 
    It will provide the Request details, such as date and time of the request or response, the type of it if its a request or response, you will see a unique ID under the correlation Id which will help you identify which response belongs to which request, Protocol host, http method, path, scheme, headers and the body. additionally in response you will have the status code and the duration.

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