connected system with oauth2 client credentials grant , Is explicit mention of authorisation header & token generation with a custom PM required?

We have an oauth2 authorisation with client Id , client Secret  & scope to connect to an api. We already have a connected system configured for this . This is working fine & we are getting expected response from api.

Traditionally in our organisation we have a process model per application  which runs every 60 mins which generates the token  & writes to the token table. This token from db is accessed and set in the the header of the request as Authorization: Bearer ******. But it seems our code is working even if that Authorization header is deleted from the integration. It seems the connected system is adding the Authorization header to the integration request and the process model to token generation is not required at all.

Does this a ring a bell ?

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  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

    As far as I know, the whole point of oAuth and the fully configured Connected System is, that Appian can manage the authentication for you. This includes fetching and caching access tokens.

    But, there are specific implementations, Appian does not support OOTB. Then we have to become creative and build something like you have.

  • Thanks  . This is our connected system. It handles everything and has a token generator end point.

    It seems historically , in our organisation , we were not using connected systems . that might be the reason why they were having Process models to generate and save tokens. some projects where relying on ACC Authorization Common component to do the same with a DB entry . None of this seems to be needed if Connected system is correctly configured.

    Thanks for your thoughts. Much apprerciated.

  • Thanks  . This is our connected system. It handles everything and has a token generator end point.

    It seems historically , in our organisation , we were not using connected systems . that might be the reason why they were having Process models to generate and save tokens. some projects where relying on ACC Authorization Common component to do the same with a DB entry . None of this seems to be needed if Connected system is correctly configured.

    Thanks for your thoughts. Much apprerciated.
