We have completed all prerequisites(CORS settings, servlet plugin test, authenti

We have completed all prerequisites(CORS settings, servlet plugin test, authentication) to use of servlet plugin for getting a list of tasks.

Now we have succeeded to embed a single task using JQuery provided in examples(Dynamic Embedding section) at forum.appian.com/.../Embedding_Appian_Interfaces_in_External_Sites.html.

We are facing an issue while running Integrated jQuery Example which calls the task list servlet plug-in and uses the results to build a list of linked task names.

Example Name: Integrated jQuery Example
URL location : forum.appian.com/.../Embedding_Appian_Interfaces_in_External_Sites.html

Error: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('file://') does not match the recipient window's origin ('null').




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