Hi, We are using Appian 7.5. We have a non-appian application t


We are using Appian 7.5. We have a non-appian application that needs to utilize a few of our process models. I was thinking of using a servlet plugin but welcome alternatives. With the servlet plugin, we will need to provide the client several HTTP GETs and one HTTP POST. My question is regarding the HTTP POST. The documentation says that with an HTTP POST, we have to use asi:form. I would appreciate an example of this. Also, here are the list of steps between the two applications.

1. Non-appian application will build an HTTP POST where one of the HTTP Parameters will be an XML.
2. They will invoke the servlet plugin URL
3. Servlet plugin will get the XML and unmarshall to a java object using JAXB
4. Using Appian APIs, the servlet plugin will start an instance of a process model (using process model UUID or process model ID).
5. The servlet plugin will need to redirect the user to the started process instance in Tempo.

Would appreciate comment...



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