Does anyone have any best practices or guidance on how to best integrate with Do

Does anyone have any best practices or guidance on how to best integrate with Docusign's API? My initial thought was in trying to use the "Send HTTP Request" and "Base 64" plugins to convert documents, but I wanted to reach out to the community to ask if anyone had found success with another method.




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  • We have successfully integrated with Docusign and have been using it for the last 1 year. Docusign has Java code on their API documentation and steps on how to use each sample.
    We have taken those operations(Java code) and built a plugin around it.
    The design aspect you should consider is - whether to define doc templates in Docusign OR create the docs in Appian and push it to Docusign identifying the recipients and signature placeholders. Docusign gives you sample code for both approaches and it is fairly straightforward.
  • We have successfully integrated with Docusign and have been using it for the last 1 year. Docusign has Java code on their API documentation and steps on how to use each sample.
    We have taken those operations(Java code) and built a plugin around it.
    The design aspect you should consider is - whether to define doc templates in Docusign OR create the docs in Appian and push it to Docusign identifying the recipients and signature placeholders. Docusign gives you sample code for both approaches and it is fairly straightforward.
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