Does anyone have any best practices or guidance on how to best integrate with Do

Does anyone have any best practices or guidance on how to best integrate with Docusign's API? My initial thought was in trying to use the "Send HTTP Request" and "Base 64" plugins to convert documents, but I wanted to reach out to the community to ask if anyone had found success with another method.




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  • I've been looking a bit more and I think for our use case (NDAs, at the moment), it's easier/better to design a template document and store it in Docusign, then call and 'activate' an envelope of that template type via an API call, passing in process variables as parameters for the recipients.

    I've successfully done this via a straight API call, but haven't tested doing it via Appian yet. I'll post code as a comment to this thread once I get everything figured out so that others can see how I ended up doing this.

    Thanks guys!
  • I've been looking a bit more and I think for our use case (NDAs, at the moment), it's easier/better to design a template document and store it in Docusign, then call and 'activate' an envelope of that template type via an API call, passing in process variables as parameters for the recipients.

    I've successfully done this via a straight API call, but haven't tested doing it via Appian yet. I'll post code as a comment to this thread once I get everything figured out so that others can see how I ended up doing this.

    Thanks guys!
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