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I'm using the CMIS connector in Appian 7.8 to work with an Alfresco reposito

I'm using the CMIS connector in Appian 7.8 to work with an Alfresco repository (Community Edition 5.0, which I have installed myself, vanilla install).

In Appian I have set up 3rd-party credentials correctly (I'm using the Alfresco admin account), obtained the repository ID and I am able to start using the Appian connector functions. I am creating a rudimentary CMIS browser in SAIL using the a!cmiGetFolderChildren function. This is where I am starting to run into issues.

So I can connect to the Alfresco repository root folder and the above function returns all of the Alfresco root folders--if you know Alfresco this is a series of standard system folders (Guest Home, User Home, ...Sites etc). All of these system folders get returned to me with the Appian function. However, drilling down to any subfolders of these starts to produce issues---subfolders don't get returned.

For example, when I select one of the these folders, for example, Sites where I ...



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  • ...have set up a site called MySite and under that a new folder called TestFolder. I can see the Sites/MySite folder just fine but I can't view any of the subfolders for example /Sites/MySite/DocumentLibrary and that subfolder /Sites/MySite/DocumentLibrary/TestFolder do not get returned. Another example is that I set up a shared folder named SharedFolder (under Shared). This one I also can't see.

    A few more data points:
    1) If I go to Alfresco's OOB repository browser (using the same admin creds) I can browse everything fine.
    2) Not only am I using the admin account but I also opened up permissions on these folders so that everyone is a "Manager".
    3) If I use the Appian a!cmiGetObjectIdByPath to get the ID, followed by the a!cmiGetProperties I am able to get back everything I need (for example from /Sites/MySite/DocumentLibrary/TestFolder) so again this doesn't seem to be a problem with permissions.
    4) On these empty returns from a!cmiGetFolderChildren there is no err...
  • ...or in the response object..just blank.
    5) Been tinkering around with SOAPUI and the raw "getFolderTree" CMIS call seems to work just fine.

    That all said, it looks more and more that it isn't an Alfresco or permissions issue and could be something in the way that the a!cmiGetFolderChildren function is returning. Could there be some sort of filtering that is going on?

    Anyone have this same issue?
  • Would you mind recording the behavior using www.techsmith.com/.../ including the response you're analyzing which you describe as blank?

    I'm not familiar with Alfresco but maybe if I see the behavior and the response that can give me a better understanding of the issue and we can find out something useful to find a solution.
  • So I've attached a zip file containing views from a) a CMIS folder view that I put together in sail using the a!cmiGetFolderChildren function, b) the native Alfresco repository browser (aka Alfresco Share) and c) a generic iOS CMIS Browser that I pointed at my Alfresco instance. In every case I showed two views--one at the top level folders and one in the "Contracts" subfolder (which itself contains two subfolders). You will notice that the Appian function does not return one of the subfolders--but Alfresco/CMIS Browser return everything. I also included the raw object data returned by the cmiGetFolderChildren call.


  • Thank you for putting this together, can you also share the SAIL you are using to generate the Repository Explorer interface? The one you display inside the attached 2Contracts_Folder_Appian_View.png.
  • So I was just about to write this up. I got it to work. I took the cmiGetFolderChildren and isolated that into its own expression rule. I have no idea why but when I had this rule directly in the SAIL form it behaved in a way I didn't understand (and not as advertised) but putting the exact same function behind an expression rule did the trick.
  • Great news! Thank you for letting us know it's working now.