Hi, I am using "Write To Datastore Entity" smart service in


I am using "Write To Datastore Entity" smart service in a process model, to write data to an external database table but having an issue (SQLServerException: String or binary data would be truncated):

Table was created in external database by DBA and I used JPA annotations in XSD to create the CDT and map to that table/columns.

The smart service is failing with the following error:
An error occurred while trying to write to the entity “XYZ” [id=b471f3cb-f0e9-4f35-9903-a6bb9bc30abc@43624, type=XYZ (id=15938)] (data store: ABC Data Store).
Details: org.hibernate.exception.DataException: could not insert: [XYZDT153175]: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: String or binary data would be truncated.
Data: TypedValue[it=15938,v={19572cf5-818c-4a85-aff4-0f8e76505331,PMT_TK00010_150604053720_B0002,"EMP",1,2,TK00010,,2015-06-04 16:37:20.31,Administrator,"N",,0,0}]

Anyone faced similar issue ?



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  • @satishkumars It seems like you are trying to insert more than the characters supported by the column(s) in the table. Let's say if the length of the column in the table is 255, trying to insert a value whose length is more than 255 leads to an error. Either increasing the length of the column(s) in the table or sending a correct value (as per the length of the column(s)) fixes this issue as per my knowledge.
  • @satishkumars It seems like you are trying to insert more than the characters supported by the column(s) in the table. Let's say if the length of the column in the table is 255, trying to insert a value whose length is more than 255 leads to an error. Either increasing the length of the column(s) in the table or sending a correct value (as per the length of the column(s)) fixes this issue as per my knowledge.
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