Hi, I am using "Write To Datastore Entity" smart service in


I am using "Write To Datastore Entity" smart service in a process model, to write data to an external database table but having an issue (SQLServerException: String or binary data would be truncated):

Table was created in external database by DBA and I used JPA annotations in XSD to create the CDT and map to that table/columns.

The smart service is failing with the following error:
An error occurred while trying to write to the entity “XYZ” [id=b471f3cb-f0e9-4f35-9903-a6bb9bc30abc@43624, type=XYZ (id=15938)] (data store: ABC Data Store).
Details: org.hibernate.exception.DataException: could not insert: [XYZDT153175]: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: String or binary data would be truncated.
Data: TypedValue[it=15938,v={19572cf5-818c-4a85-aff4-0f8e76505331,PMT_TK00010_150604053720_B0002,"EMP",1,2,TK00010,,2015-06-04 16:37:20.31,Administrator,"N",,0,0}]

Anyone faced similar issue ?



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