Trying to map a CDT to a view in my database. XSD attached. When I attempt to cr

Trying to map a CDT to a view in my database. XSD attached. When I attempt to create a data store entity for this CDT, Appian wants to execute the following line in a DDL script:

add aid numeric(19,0) not null;

Obviously this fails because you can't add a column to a view. What am I missing? How can I get Appian to stop trying to add this column?




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  • To the best of my knowledge, Appian does not support composite primary keys. One, and only one, of the fields in your CDT needs to be marked as the primary key. Because this is a view, it should not matter what field you pick since the contents of the view is determined by a query on the DB side. That said, @rawichp236 makes a good point that it is a good idea to include a primary key from one of your tables in your view to use as the primary key for your CDT.
  • To the best of my knowledge, Appian does not support composite primary keys. One, and only one, of the fields in your CDT needs to be marked as the primary key. Because this is a view, it should not matter what field you pick since the contents of the view is determined by a query on the DB side. That said, @rawichp236 makes a good point that it is a good idea to include a primary key from one of your tables in your view to use as the primary key for your CDT.
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