Has anyone had any success in accessing AWS S3 path-style request (https:<ama

Has anyone had any success in accessing AWS S3 path-style request (https:<amazon domain>/<path>) using Authorization (Access Key and Secret Access Key)?

I checked S3 documentation and bump into this: docs.aws.amazon.com/.../RESTAuthentication.html
Authorization = "AWS" + " " + AWSAccessKeyId + ":" + Signature;
Signature = Base64( HMAC-SHA1( YourSecretAccessKeyID, UTF-8-Encoding-Of( StringToSign ) ) );
StringToSign = HTTP-Verb + "\
" +
          Content-MD5 + "\
" +
          Content-Type + "\
" +
          Date + "\
" +
          CanonicalizedAmzHeaders +

I'm looking for HMAC Sha-1 in the available functions in Cryptography functions to generate the SIGNATURE as stated above but to no success. Please advise.



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  • On the other thought, HMACSha1 is available in the macsignature function. But still can;t generate correct signature. I think I'm passing a wrong STRING TO SIGN value in the parameter as mentioned above. Below is my rule to generate the signature part of the authentication header:

    encodestringasbase64(macsignature("GET"& char(10) & "" & char(10) & "" & char(10) & gmt(now()) & "<file path>" & "",
    <secret access key>,"HmacSHA1"))
  • On the other thought, HMACSha1 is available in the macsignature function. But still can;t generate correct signature. I think I'm passing a wrong STRING TO SIGN value in the parameter as mentioned above. Below is my rule to generate the signature part of the authentication header:

    encodestringasbase64(macsignature("GET"& char(10) & "" & char(10) & "" & char(10) & gmt(now()) & "<file path>" & "",
    <secret access key>,"HmacSHA1"))
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