I wrote a custom servlet plugin that calls the process model (Say A) with some p

I wrote a custom servlet plugin that calls the process model (Say A) with some parameters. I have designed the pm in one of the node with the same pv names . When we invoke the servlet , the pm gets triggered but the pv values that I'm passing from servlet are not getting mapped in the pm instance that started. Please help me if I'm wrong in my understanding and code implementation.

My PM has Start Node, a Script Task and End Node . Script task I had configured the pv's as parameters.

TypedValue typedValue = new TypedValue(Long.valueOf(AppianType.INTEGER), new Long(100));
           NamedTypedValue namedTypeValue = new NamedTypedValue(typedValue,"anIntegerNumber");
           ProcessVariableInstance pvInstance = new ProcessVariableInstance(namedTypeValue);

                    ProcessVariable[] processVariables = new ProcessVariable[3];
                    processVariables[0] = pvInstance;
                     typedValue = new TypedValue(Long.valueOf(AppianType.STRING), new String("fromAPI"));



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