I am using 'Call Web Service' smart service for integrating with a web s

I am using 'Call Web Service' smart service for integrating with a web service. I was able to locate the endpoints and also able to pick an operation. The CDTs also automatically created, however, while invoking the WS, the ESB is complaining about the schema. It gives me the below error
<l7:assertionResult assertion="l7p:SchemaValidation" status="Bad Request">
<l7:detailMessage id="5604">Schema validation failure: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; cvc-type.2: The type definition cannot be abstract for element CustomerInfo.</l7:detailMessage>

Upon debugging found that the SOAP Request generated by the Smart service has an issue. The one of the types used in the WS request didnt have the namespace specified. Please refer the attached image for the soap message. Is there anyway that we can specify the xmlns for the types used in a soap request ?



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