Hi, Any suggestion on how external system can send files to Appian? (idea

Any suggestion on how external system can send files to Appian? (idea is same with send file over sftp from external system going to Appian). I've already searched anything related but seems not to find anything of the same requirement. I saw some post regarding the Base 64 Utilities where it can convert the base64 string into document (I think this idea will work by publishing process model as web service in Appian, but the problem is it's already deprecated). We can't also use Receive File Over SFTP, since the requirement is to send file from external system.. Any workarounds? Please advise. TIA.



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  • @rodgraham we'reon cloud @amitl we tried it but i think it will only work for http requests and not by specifying just http:/ip/filedirectory like what we used in Receive file sftp. @jims419 our problem is it's taking us 1hr which cause the receive file over sftp node to time out and got stuck up; and its jus 26mb file. Even for just 2mb file its taking us almost 20mins for the file to be downloaded.
  • @rodgraham we'reon cloud @amitl we tried it but i think it will only work for http requests and not by specifying just http:/ip/filedirectory like what we used in Receive file sftp. @jims419 our problem is it's taking us 1hr which cause the receive file over sftp node to time out and got stuck up; and its jus 26mb file. Even for just 2mb file its taking us almost 20mins for the file to be downloaded.
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