#Protected WebService --> We have a WebService which is Protected.

#Protected WebService -->

We have a WebService which is Protected. It means it needs a password before loading it. We have the xml of this WebService on our server.

It works well when the endpoint/WSDL URL in Dynamic WSDL URL is the same as in the xml loaded on the server.

But when we change the complete URL or endpoint through Dynamic WSDL URL , it does not load and gives us the following error?

An error occurred while reading the WSDL www.test.net/.../testWebservice to create WSInvoker for the service {urn:testWebService}testWebService and the endpoint testWebservice. Cannot detect WSDL version of the file. Ensure a valid WSDL exists at the provided URL. (APNX-1-4041-001)

Any reason why?



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