Can someone help us in using the LDAP user profile Sync plugin in our process mo

Certified Senior Developer
Can someone help us in using the LDAP user profile Sync plugin in our process model?? We are new to LDAP and probably not getting the parameters to be passed to the node.. When I check the log it says,

"07:34:02,833 INFO [stdout] (default-short-running-threads-threads - 16) 2013-06-10 07:34:02,822 [default-short-running-threads-threads - 16] ERROR co - Domain authentication failed for admin on ldap://
07:34:02,834 INFO [stdout] (default-short-running-threads-threads - 16) javax.naming.InvalidNameException: [LDAP: error code 34 - Incorrect DN given
: admin (0x61 0x64 0x6D 0x69 0x6E ) is invalid] "

In our auth-migr-override.xml file, we have given the below configuration:

<bean id="contextSource" class="">
<constructor-arg value="ldap://,dc=com"/>
<!-- use a space between eac...



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  • Is the cn'Administrator' a valid account in your LDAP with permission to Search and BROWSE the directory tree?
    Secondly, I would recommend using a ldap browser (such as JXplorer or something similar) to test your baseDN, filters etc., to ensure you have a valid connection string before configuring it in Appian. Have you do this? If not, this should be your first starting point.
  • Is the cn'Administrator' a valid account in your LDAP with permission to Search and BROWSE the directory tree?
    Secondly, I would recommend using a ldap browser (such as JXplorer or something similar) to test your baseDN, filters etc., to ensure you have a valid connection string before configuring it in Appian. Have you do this? If not, this should be your first starting point.
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