Lotus Notes Migration to Appian

Certified Senior Developer
Has anyone done Migration from Lotus Notes to Appian. Please share any pointers, risks, things to be taken care during the migration of workflows from LN to Appian system.


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  • I am a long-time Lotus Notes developer with significant experience migrating Notes apps in a general sense. I recently started looking at Appian as a possible answer to the "If not Notes then what?" question and have to say there is a lot to recommend Appian for the kind of "boring internal business/workflow apps" that were a strength of Notes. I am aware of at least one example of a complex Domino web app that was rebuilt in Appian, and as far as I know it went pretty smoothly. If you are leveraging Notes/Domino's granular security model to a high degree there could be additional challenges, but even there Appian compares better than most. In any case, if you have existing Notes apps from which you would like to migrate data to a new shiny Appian App, the skills you'll need for that data extraction are completely different than those needed to build the new app. In other words, you'll most likely need at least two different people for such a project. That said I foresee a day when Notes guys like myself start picking up Appian more and more and then you might get away with just one developer for both skillsets.