integration of Appian workflow with DocuSign

Hi All,

We want to integrate Appian workflow with Docu Sign. Is there any plugin exists for that? Our Use case is that we want to email the document to client for sign & they can just sign digitally in email & it can send us signed document back to the workflow & workflow will continue after that.


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  • Basically, Docu search search uses restful API. I created an Account in their sandbox Dev Environment. Their request structure is :


    "status": "sent",
    "emailSubject": "Request a signature via email example",
    "documents": [{
    "documentId": "1",
    "name": "contract.pdf",
    "documentBase64": "[base64 encoded file bytes...]"
    "recipients": {
    "signers": [{
    "name": "[SIGNER NAME]",
    "email": "[SIGNER EMAIL ADDRESS]",
    "recipientId": "1",
    "tabs": {
    "signHereTabs": [{
    "xPosition": "25",
    "yPosition": "50",
    "documentId": "1",
    "pageNumber": "1"

    Can anyone please guide me how can I use it into our httpquery to see if t works fine?

  • or if we need to use httpwrite? if yes, can one please guide me how can I use the above mentioned credentials for httpwrite?
  • You can integrated with DocuSign using thebase64 REST plugin:

    It behaves similarly to the http query node, except that it also supports base64 encoding of documents. You can integrated with docusign using that plugin and the a!toJson function
  • To get the signed document you can use the http file download node.

    To get updates from DocuSign you'll need to make status update requests to DocuSign using the listStatusChanges API that DocuSign provides. That can be done using the http query node.
  • Thank you so much Tyler. I am trying that now.
  • Tyler, this plugin needs Header keys, Header values, End Point, Request String as input. Can you please guide from above mentione structure, what values should I use as input for each of these fields?

  • Sure. Endpoint is the same as on http query. For example:

    Request string is the request body, and would be the json structure you posted above, with the ###docId### in place of the base64 encoding of the document.

    Request header keys and values correspond to http headers on http query, with the header keys being the header name and the header values being the value.

    So for example, you might need a content type header and an authentication header. In that case your header keys would be {"Content-Type", "X-Docusign-Authentication"} and your header values would be something like {"application/json", a!toJson(
    Username: <username>,
    Password: <password>,
    IntegratorKey: <integrator key>
  • Thank you so much for all the clarification Tyler. One last question, for authentication, as I have created an Account on sandbox, so I will use my email id & password but what will be the integrator key?
  • You're welcome. You need to request one through DocuSign. After logging into Sandbox click 'Go To Admin' in the top right corner. Then from the admin view click 'APIs and Keys' on the left. There should be a button to add an integrator key.

    One thing to note if/when you're ready to move DocuSign integration to production is that DocuSign has a certification process. More info here:

    Just be aware that you need to work with DocuSign to enable your integrator key in Production.

  • Tyler, I tried to use the Json structure & got the following error:

    : is an invalid character for separating items in an array

    Can you please guide how to fix it?
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