MySQL data ttype for serialized data

Software: Appian 16.3, on-cloud, MySQL.
Use Case: Store the incoming requests (JSON) of a POST webAPI (asynchronous) in MySQL table' column, which can then be processed later (for example - store the requests in table in business hours and process them out side of business hours, to reduce the load on server at business hours). I am using externalize() and internalize() functions.
Query: What column type should be used to store serialized data in a MySQL db? And what data type should be used in Appian ? I assume, we can use varbinary, blob, text or JSON in MySQL and Text in Appian ? But from Appian's perspective what is considered the best and why ?


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  • Thanks Stefan, I agree that using externalize(), internalize() might be an overkill for this use-case. But the JSON might have customer sensitive data which may not be appropriate to store in cloud (MySQL), what do you suggest for this ? Base64EncodeDecode Expression plugin ? OR externalize() OR anything else ?

    And thanks for the answer, "Text" data type will be appropriate.
  • Thanks Stefan, I agree that using externalize(), internalize() might be an overkill for this use-case. But the JSON might have customer sensitive data which may not be appropriate to store in cloud (MySQL), what do you suggest for this ? Base64EncodeDecode Expression plugin ? OR externalize() OR anything else ?

    And thanks for the answer, "Text" data type will be appropriate.
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