How to give access to a basic user to design application?

Can anyone explain me how to create an application with a basic user access?

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    Certified Lead Developer

    Basic users would be those that use applications, primarily.  You could try adding a basic user to the Designer group, but honestly in 5 years building and debugging Appian I've never seen anyone on the creation side that wasn't just given system admin rights to all appropriate environments.

    I think it would be very good to invent a new level of security between basic user and system admin.  Imagine a developer that could view and edit running process instances to debug and clear out problem tickets, but did not have the power to accidentally delete a PM from production like I did that one time.  Imagine a developer who can look up user groups in the Admin Console, but doesn't have the power to deactivate a user.

    As it sits now, basically all developers have all power over all environments they're given access to.  We have like 30 sys admins running around.  It would be awesome if there were only 2 or 3, but all 30 of us could still perform all the actions we actually do on a daily basis.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Basic users would be those that use applications, primarily.  You could try adding a basic user to the Designer group, but honestly in 5 years building and debugging Appian I've never seen anyone on the creation side that wasn't just given system admin rights to all appropriate environments.

    I think it would be very good to invent a new level of security between basic user and system admin.  Imagine a developer that could view and edit running process instances to debug and clear out problem tickets, but did not have the power to accidentally delete a PM from production like I did that one time.  Imagine a developer who can look up user groups in the Admin Console, but doesn't have the power to deactivate a user.

    As it sits now, basically all developers have all power over all environments they're given access to.  We have like 30 sys admins running around.  It would be awesome if there were only 2 or 3, but all 30 of us could still perform all the actions we actually do on a daily basis.

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