if( ri!taskCode = cons!IC_TEXT_TASKCODE_RESERVE_NO_FOREWARD, { a!columnsLayout( columns: { a!columnLayout( contents: { a!dropdownField( label: "Pull Zone", value: local!pullZoneValues, choiceLabels: local!pullZoneList, choiceValues: local!pullZoneList, placeholderLabel: "Select a Value", saveInto: {a!save(local!pullZoneValues,save!value), a!save( local!getLocnId, rule!IC_QRY_getLocnidFromMSTLocationHeader(local!pullZoneValues) ) } ) } ), a!columnLayout( contents: { a!dropdownField( label: "Location ID", value:if( isnull(local!pullZone), null, index(ri!selectedTask,"locnId",null) ), choiceLabels: union(local!getLocnId,local!getLocnId), choiceValues:union(local!getLocnId,local!getLocnId), disabled: isnull(local!pullZoneValues), placeholderLabel : "Select a Value", saveInto: a!save( ri!selectedTask.locnId, save!value ) ) } ) } ) }, {} ),
/* rule!IC_QRY_getLocnidFromMSTLocationHeader */ a!queryEntity( entity: cons!IC_ENTITY_MST_LOCATION_HEADER, query: a!query( selection: a!querySelection( columns: { a!queryColumn( field: "locnId" ) } ), logicalexpression: a!queryLogicalExpression( operator: "AND", filters: { a!queryFilter( field: "SKUId", operator: "is null" ), a!queryFilter( field: "pullZone", operator: "=", value: ri!pullZone ) } ), pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: - 1, sort: {} ) ) ).data.locnId
the second dropdown field is not saving the values, whenever I select a value in dropdown it disappears. Any help would be appreciated.
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Perhaps for the sake of simplicity, we take a step back, and you simply try to implement a cascading dropdown with nothing else in a separate rule.
Create a test interface on your dev environment. (I find a very good practice is for all developers to have their own test folders for trying out things in Appian)
Try making a dropdown with 2 choices, "One" and "Two"
Try making another dropdown that either shows "One point One" and "One point Two" OR "Two point One" and "Two point Two", depending on the value of the top dropdown. Also, think about what you want the bottom dropdown to do when you haven't selected anything in the top dropdown.
Save the result of the top dropdown to an ri! and the result of the bottom dropdown to another ri!
When you get that working, apply what you've learned to the far more complex problem you have before you.
Good practice when you have anything troubling you to boil down whatever you're trying to accomplish as far down as you can boil it. This limits the possible sources of errors until you can get the simplest version working. Then gradually add complexity back, checking often to make sure it still works.
Agreed - and further, a common pattern i've been noticing more and more lately is that newer devs will try to handle these somewhat more complicated UI formulas, without really having a good understanding of what the logic is actually doing, and why. More learning and practice (and simplified example setups like the one you suggest) would go a long way into helping in most peoples' cases.
Baby steps, each one of them verified to be working as intended, are key to getting complex things up and running .