Appian functionality for documents

Hi ,

Does anybody knows how we can extract explicit bytes from a document? 

Trying to figure out how to take out large documents and pass them to the Resumable Upload service 2MB at a time. 

Integration is developed to accept only 16 MB and if anything above 16 MB, integration fails. 

Is there any way handle this from Appian side?

Thanks for your help in advance!!


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  • So, there are so many different directions we could take this conversation:

    • why (in the 21st Century) are we still sending documents to communicate?
    • if the document is too large to transfer from Appian to the "third party service/API for sending it over an email" then it's likely to be too large to send and/or received nicely by email
    • you could opt for a combination of push/pull patterns e.g. push a lightweight message (containing effectively a 'pointer' to the document) to the third party service and have it come to an Appian WebAPI to pull the document
    • you could SFTP the document to a directory from which the third party service could read (one assumes that's where it would end up anyway when you're trying to push it from Appian) I'd encourage you to take a step back and see what options you have and see whether one of those might be better than the way you're currently trying to solve it.

  • So let's change the use case here.

    The third party service is google cloud and we are using the resumable upload service that they provide.

    The client is a mobile app where the connection can be spotty so being able to know what portion of the file was uploaded is crucial.  File sizes could be 2-8 MB pictures

    Is there any way to get specific bytes of the file or do we need to look into doing a plug-in?