Record picker - "No results found"

Record picker keeps returning "no results found". As far as I can tell the Record is defined correctly, as I can view it in Tempo and use the search functionality. I'm I missing something? I've set the record type per typing into the recordType field and having it auto complete what I was looking for, and I've defined a local variable for value and saveInto. 
I noticed one other answer to this similar questions said to "Over in the Record Type, find the Record Title section, which displays an expressionable field. In that field, type rf! to get a list of available fields to use as the Record's title." However, this does not exist.

label: "Record Picker",
labelPosition: "ABOVE",
recordType: 'recordType!PO Offices',
value: local!storedRecord,
saveInto: local!storedRecord,
required: true,

Note: I'm using 20.1

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  • **SOLVED**

    For anyone else that might run into this. Since I wasn't really worried about the Summary view, I didn't really navigate to the "Views" tab of the record configuration page, which is where you define the "Record Title". After adding a Record Title the record picker now works.

    Not sure if anyone possibly has an explanation for why the picker doesn't work when a "Record Title" isn't defined?

    It's a bit confusing as there is no information about it in the record picker documentation, and there were no warnings/errors displayed anywhere. The tempo record page worked as expected and you could search and click into a record (though blank since I didn't define any info for the view).

    Thank you.

  • Keep in mind that the title isn't only for search - it also determines what label is displayed when a record is selected in the picker. If no title is set for the record, you would end up with a bunch of empty boxes once you selected a record!

    Also, if you're looking at the documentation of functions, there usually good explanations in the "Notes" section below the list of parameters for the function. Here's the first bullet point in that section:

    Suggestions are based on the fields used in the record title. This is equivalent to the search functionality in a feed-style record list.

  • Ah ,okay thank you. I saw this bullet point when going over the docs but it wasn't super clear to me what my issue was when the sub bullet point mentions verifying the search function works for expression backed records if there are issues still.

    Seems I missed the reference to the record title twice in the record picker docs, since didn't know where it was meaning for me to set that. So I guess I need to go back over the general record documentation again.

    However maybe this could be made a little clearer in the picker documentation, or make it more of an important step in the actual record docs?

    Since it seems like a very necessary thing to set, yet in the general record creation tutorial it seems to brush over setting the Record Title for the summary page, and I don't think it mentions its importance else where. So in my case I wasn't really too worried about the summary page at the time, and so I didn't go through the process of the summary page configuration where I would have set the Record Title (or knew where to set it).

    Thank you for the help!

  • Ah ,okay thank you. I saw this bullet point when going over the docs but it wasn't super clear to me what my issue was when the sub bullet point mentions verifying the search function works for expression backed records if there are issues still.

    Seems I missed the reference to the record title twice in the record picker docs, since didn't know where it was meaning for me to set that. So I guess I need to go back over the general record documentation again.

    However maybe this could be made a little clearer in the picker documentation, or make it more of an important step in the actual record docs?

    Since it seems like a very necessary thing to set, yet in the general record creation tutorial it seems to brush over setting the Record Title for the summary page, and I don't think it mentions its importance else where. So in my case I wasn't really too worried about the summary page at the time, and so I didn't go through the process of the summary page configuration where I would have set the Record Title (or knew where to set it).

    Thank you for the help!

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